
Father's Day Weekend

We had so much fun this past weekend. We started off by going to Thanksgiving Point, which we had never taken the kids before, and they had a blast. So we'll definitely be going more often from now on. Then on Saturday, we decided to take the kids to see "Kung Fu Panda". The theater was packed with families so I was thinking to myself I'm sure my kids weren't going to be the only ones acting up. But they actually did great. Nicholas towards the end got really antsy, and James had to stand up with him but Andee did so good! And it was really funny when the turtle dies, Andee said out really loud "Oh no, turtle dead!" But I was surprised that she knew what was happening since it wasn't obvious. I have no idea how she picks up on those kind of things. And then for Father's Day, James got a laptop that he adores. After church we went for a little stroll at a little park that's really fun for the kids to run around, but Sunday ended up being a really hot day, so we only stuck around for 20 minutes. And then James being the great husband he is, let me take a nap when we got home.

How cute is this, and no they aren't posing. I was just really lucky to catch them in the act being cute brother and sister.


Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

seriously...cutest picture!

dan and ashley said...

CHARITY!!!! i'm so glad i found your blog! your little {growing} family is so cute! how the heck are ya??? i was blog hopping/stalking off ashleigh's and thought i only know 1 charity- and i grew up with her!
keep in touch!
ashley {payne}