
yet another update! hopefully the last before the baby comes!

So I went to the hospital AGAIN last night because I was having consistent contractions. Did the whole routine, check me...no change, so they had me walk for an hour....check me again..no change= sent me home. I was having contractions every 3 minutes but they weren't getting painful. So I had them all last night, woke up with really bad ones, took the dogs on a walk and then we headed over to the hospital. I thought there was absolutely no way I hadn't changed because of the contractions I was feeling, but sure enough, no change. So since my doctor is on call all weekend, and he's sick of hearing my name, he said for us to just do a amniocentesis test and if it came back mature, he would break my water right then and there. So I said, what the heck, he won't be that bad. Even the nurse calmed me down and said "it's really quick, he pokes, gets the fluid, then he's out".... yeah right! He ended up having to poke me twice and both times fish around trying to find the pocket because the lady who was doing the ultra sound, wasn't good at communicating where the heck he was inside me! So he was blind.. and of course it happened to me. So once he was out I almost passed out and threw up because of the anxiety of the whole thing and then for 30 minutes had the worst cramps I've ever had. So, now I know, I will never do that again!



So I had my 37 week appointment on Wednesday and I was scheduled to see my doctor, well my luck he was out doing a delivery! So I had to see the nurse practitioner who is anti any sort of inducing, even stripping the membranes...and that's what I was hoping my doctor was going to do. So she just checked me, I'm at a 5 and 90% effaced (whatever that means). So last night I read that eating spicy food would make you go into labor, so we went and got a burrito with hot sauce on it.... yeah didn't work. Every 2 hours last night I had to drink milk because of my heartburn...yuck! So I guess my only option is more walking....


false alarm..

I went to the hospital again yesterday hoping I had done enough walking so that I would be dilated to a 5 and so they would have to admit me...well like always, my plan never works. When I first got there, I was still at a 4, so they had me walk for an hour, they checked me again and I was at a 5. A done deal so I thought....NOPE! Since I wasn't in any pain, they sent me home. I guess my agenda has more walking in it...a lot more!

Floyd and Barbara arrived late last night to pick up the kids, and they left this morning with my three babies! They are going to have them for at least 2 weeks and let me get on a routine with baby Tyler. I was so excited for the break, didn't think it could come fast enough until they drove off... I'm so sad! But I truly appreciate my in-laws, they are so great with the kids and I know they will be having the time of their lives with G-pa and G-ma.



So I had my 36 week appointment yesterday and I'm dilated to a 4..... so hopefully little Tyler will be showing his face very soon!