Today James took Andee out to go find bugs. She came running inside with her jar full of bugs. She was so excited but then noticed that they were moving inside and threw the jar. Lately the kids have been so obsessed with bugs. If they see a mark on the wall, they yell "a bug!". And then they go around the house pointing to all the "bugs". But when they actually find a real bug they completely freak out. I hope this doesn't mean when Andee grows up she will have an extreme case of bug phobia..hehe.

Andee's jar of bugs. When Nick woke up from his nap he wanted the top to come off, so James took out a snail and put it in his hand and Nick didn't like that very much. He tried to get it off but of course it stuck to his hand so he started freaking out. Very cute, these are the moments I absolutely love.
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